Sub Switch board (SSB)
Electrical Switch Boards for power distribution, PFC power correction, and control are our area of expertise in both design and production. Including switching devices, control, measuring, protecting, and regulating equipment, as well as all internal mechanical and electrical interconnections and structural components, switchboards are classified as an assembly. Both mechanical and electrical components are used in assembly systems.

Our workshops handle every task, including sheet metal production, painting, and assembly. Customers can choose to have their switchboards powder coated or made of stainless steel. AutoCAD is also used internally for our design and drafting tasks. With the help of our truck-mounted crane, our highly skilled team can coordinate switchboard delivery and final positioning.
Designing and producing switchboard and process control panels is made simple and affordable by our selection of switchboard products, services, and technological know-how.
Get One Step Ahead
For the past ten years, we have been engaged in the manufacture of all types of electrical control panels. As a result, we are able to offer comprehensive solutions in the area of industrial automation.